Heard of facebook gender options? For the first time ever, Facebook Inc. allowing its users to identify themselves as not only male and female with updated Facebook gender options. This feature,...
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Google Helps Voters with Latest Information During Elections
Let's see how google helps voters by providing the latest updates during the election campaign. Google is launching a new series of tools that can be used to help India's and Indonesia's 1 billion...
By now, you may have heard the buzz around “Ello,” the new social network that claims to be ad-free, invite-only, and independent, and has gone viral over the last week. It’s still unclear why...
It’s not an easy week for Snapchat users, as it faces serious security threats and breaches from a hacker who threatens to leak users’ data and their supposedly destroyed photos as well. An...
A Memorial for Steve Jobs in Russia Dismantled (A Reaction to Cook’s Essay)
A week after Tim Cook announced publicly regarding his sexual orientation, a memorial for Steve Jobs has been dismantled in a courtyard of St. Petersburg University of Information Technology,...
A dream for space tourism faces a great challenge as Virgin Galactic Space Flight crashed early today. According to Reuters, the passenger spaceship being developed by Richard Branson’s Virgin...